The PCN has started to produce resources for children, young people, families and staff. The first of these resources is the Held in Hope series of booklets for 3-7 year old children. Link. These have been produced with Red Balloon Resources, the resource arm of the Chaplaincy of Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Christian Education Publishing. and These books are all available from for £5.99 each. Discounts available to PCN members and those attending training events.
The following four video version of the books were produced by the PCN and Christian Education working in partnership and are not available for sale – please feel free to use them in your work. They are narrated by Bear Grylls.

Jesus still Loves Joe
Something very sad has happened. Joe’s sister has died and Joe is very sad. His aunty sends him a card to let him know Jesus still loves him. But will Joe remember this, no matter how he feels?
This story explores a young child’s experience of being a bereaved sibling and how important is it for such children to know that God loves them no matter how they feel.

Maya Goes To Hospital
Maya hears a story about Jesus. Jesus tells his friends he will always be with them. Maya knows that Jesus is with her. But will she remember this when she goes to hospital?
This story explores a young child’s experience of going to hopsital and how important it is for them to know that Jesus is with them wherever they go.

Sam And His Special Book
Sam is very poorly. Everyone has worked hard to make him better. But they can’t. As he looks at pictures of the special things he has done with his family and friends, Sam’s friend reminds him that Jesus is preparing a special place for him. But what will it be like?
This story explores a young child’s experience of being life limited and shows how important it is for such children to know that Jesus is preparing a place especially for them and that they will always be remembered.

Josh Stays In Hospital
Josh is often poorly and has to go to hospital. At holiday club Josh learnt that Jesus is always with him and will help him too. But will he remember this when he is in hospital?
This story explores a young child’s experience of staying in hospital and how important it is for children in this situation to know that Jesus is with them and will help them.